What is 5G ?

What is 5G? And why should you care?. 5G is coming to a cell tower near you faster than you might think: with speeds that could eventually hit hundreds of times those of 4G, it promises to transform the way we communicate with each other and with our devices once again.If you’re wondering what exactly…

Six Ways of Retrieving Webpage Content In PHP

There are so far 6 ways of Getting webpage content (full HTML) in PHP are most commonly used. The methods are using file() fuction using file_get_contents() function using fopen()->fread()->fclose() functions using curl using fsockopen() socket mode using Third party library (Such as “snoopy”) 1. file() <?php $url=’http://blog.oscarliang.net’; // using file() function to get content $lines_array=file($url); // turn…

How to crawl a website

The word “crawling” has become synonymous with any way of getting data from the web programmatically. But true crawling is actually a very specific method of finding URLs, and the term has become somewhat confusing. Before we go into too much detail, let me just say that this post assumes that thereason you want to…

SEO Tip : Focus on your audience

SEO Tip : Focus on your audience Everyone believes they are a SEO expert these days. Everyone understands the basics, such as keyword rich content is king and that you should optimize your site for search engines to locate you. However, many have lost focus on why they are trying to have the search engines notice you,…