Google optimisation and search ranking for your website is based on the premises that the more people like your website, visits your website and find it valuable the much higher ranking you deserves in search results. You already know that the only way to get your website on top of that google search is to build backlinks and lots of them.
That much is clear, Isn’t it?
But how would you find valuable, important and authoritative sites that might link to you?
And how do you get them convinced enough to actually add your link on their website, .. well without bribing them with a guest post, infographic, cash, credit, link exchange or what ever else?
From a search engine’s perspective, backlinks coming from valuable, important and authoritative sites pointing to yours is a meaningful vote of confidence.
Are you building backlinks for seo, want to build backlinks fast or build backlinks after penguin. Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you in today’s blog post no-matter for what reason you are building backlinks.
Because over the last few months i’ve been testing different methods and strategy for building backlinks and finally and have some AMAZING results to share with you.
Bonus: Download a free ebook of 50 Great ways that will show you How To Increase Quality Backlink’s for Your site.
Let’s Start With the Case Study of building backlinks.
Before starting any further i want to make you clear that i have divided the methods of building backlinks in 2 section
- Easy way to Build backlinks with social networks.
- 101 Ways to Build Backlinks To Your site.
Easy way to Build backlinks with social networks.
When it comes to build backlinking for free from authoritative sites in easy, then I mean really very easy. But it’ s a fallacy that all social media sites have rel=nofollow tags tagged with their external bouncing link. In fact, many sites provide juicy link opportunities. You just need to find them. And we did. So here is the list and approved for Optimisation by Google.
101 Ways to Build Backlinks To Your site.
The 51 ways to build backlinks covers both untaped and tapped authority backlinks and the One I use. Well consider yourself lucky because today i’m going to pull back the curtain of some untapped backlinking sources that well known and popular sites use to make.
1. Donate to Charity
Seems like you are going to lose some money, well just estimate how much would you need to pay to get your link in a site with a page rank 5,6,7,8 or so?
$100, $250 or $500
..because it worths that well as the PR is 5-8.
How about if I say like you just need to donate $10 to $15 to get your link in that website. Sorry I won’t mention that donate sites as I don’t want their sites to be marked as apammy, but i can help you in one way. You can find some of that sites by this search terms.
“donate to us” “contributors page” “sponsors page” allintitle: “contributors” allintitle: “sponsors”
2. Give Testimonials
Companies love testimonials and loves to show off their customers testimonials.
3. Start Relevant Threads: Discuss and start relevant threads in forums and in chance provide a link back to your website.
4. Signatures: Use your website link in signatures in forum and discussions boards.
5. Submit Guest Post on Other Blogs.
6. Find Blogs with do follow link and comment on them.
7. Use social bookmarking sites as stated in the Easy method.
8. Exchange link with other bloggers of relevant niche.
9. Make use of Blog Engage, Inbound and other Blogging Communities.
10. Make fruitful use of Yahoo Answers by providing answers with your website’s link included.
11. Answer Questions in Yahoo Answers and Cite Your Blog as the Source.
12. Submit Your Blog to Top Blogging directories.
13. Write Mail to praise other writers who write on the same topic and encourage them to share it on social networks.
14. Submit your blog to top niche directories
15. Interlink all your blog post and pages with each other.
16. Submit your blog to your top social networking sites.
17. Submit your blog link to all new and upcoming social networks.
18. Build Network with other bloggers.
20. Do podcasting and always include your link in it.
21. Upload your podcast feed to iTunes and other podcast broadcasters with your link in description and Album Art
22. Always try to make your blog viral, as they bring a blast of backlinks
23. Send press-release about important updates from your blog.
24. Submit your RSS to Local And Global RSS Directories.
25. Review your website in some forum and discussion forum, and in that way you website will get reviewed and also get a backlink.
26. Convert your blog posts to pdf and submit it to document sharing sites.
27. Do a FollowFriday every Friday to every blogger possible.
28. write great Quality Content and sure you will get backlinks.
29. Get controversial post in your blog
30. Interview other Bloggers and Get Interviewed.
31. LinkBait. Write posts to bait links.
32. Submit your blog to .edu and .gov websites, forums and blogs, Google loves backlinks coming from this sites as they are authority sites.
33. Make use of groups like Google Groups and Yahoo Groups
34. Signup and Create a Wikipedia Page For Yourself and include your site link in the resource section.
35. Attractive post name gets more shares and more trackbacks ending with backlinks.
36. Build a web tool and many people will use it and link back to it.
37. Use odd numbers and negative words as they catch the eye and gets lots of hits.
38. Create a long post atleast containing 2000 characters.
39. Create a pdf or ebook and share it for Free.
40. Post containing “11 ways to”, “2015 will be a fail for you” etc , this type of post do receive lots of backlinks.
41. Write for popular online blogs and Magazines, as you will get a link back from your author description.
42. Be tricky, and have costly jokes as Apple has bought Samsung for $183 Billion” but also mention at the end [tricky, Ahah!]
43. Creating a niche particularly focused on one thing/keyword gets a ton of backlinks.
44. Create YouTube Videos as tutorials and include your link in video and video description.
45. Speak at events and seminars and introduce yourself
46. Writing style matters, Use “You” & “I”, to get conversation. As conversation creates shares, shares creates backlinks.
47. Have a Free GiveAway Digital Product that displays and get you a backlink, Example: Theme or Plugin.
48. Sponsor other bloggers and products, this may you may get backlinks from their audience.
49. Create Infographic and Share it with your link included in the footer as credit or Creator.
Always use the opportunity of sharing your link and content. Never miss out any of it.
If you have any question about backlinking or about us, then you can free to leave a response below in comment form & I will definitely get you back.